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🙏 Prayer Walking
Join our Mission Enabler, Emma, every Wednesday from 12 noon for a prayer walk. The walk will begin from St Cuthberts church and then head to different parts of the parish every week.
These prayer walks will begin from November 2nd. Don’t forget to wrap up warm!
💙 Mother’s Union
The Mother’s Union meet monthly on the second Thursday at 2.30pm in St Cuthberts church.
🐻 Bertie Bear Toddler Group
Every Wednesday during Lytham C of E Primary School term time , our Bertie Bear Toddler Group is open for £3 per family – including refreshments! The group takes place at St Cuthberts church hall from 9.45am until 11.30am.
For more information, contact Margaret on 01253 737310 or Debbie on +44 (0) 771 931 4933.
🧶 Community Craft Group
If you’re the crafty type, why not join us for the Community Craft group which meets in St Cuthberts church every Thursday from 9.30am til 11.30am.