There has been a church and Christian presence in Lytham dating back to at least the 12th Century. Both our current church buildings were built in the mid 1800’s.
Today we are custodians, not just of these wonderful buildings, but of the Christian faith which we believe. We are asking everyone connected to our parish of St John the Divine and St Cuthbert Lytham to consider what and how we give to God in response to the love he has poured out on us.
There is no doubt we live in tough financial times and we recognise that people are not as connected to the church as in the past. We wish to not only maintain, but to grow as a Christian community as the message of Jesus remains so important to us and to the world we live in.
Please take this opportunity to recommit to supporting God’s witness in our town.
You can give to JC Lytham today online. If you are uncomfortable doing this, or need extra help, then please ask.
If you are looking for other ways to give, such as if you do not wish to do so online, or if you wish to leave a gift in your will, then please see below.
The more you Give, the more we can Grow
Just like a tree, we need deep roots and a strong trunk before we can begin branching out.
We need to start at the roots. Our first, and biggest, cost is our Parish Share. It allows us to exist.
If everyone on the electoral roll gave £40 a month, then our Parish Share would be covered.
Giving £60 a month would help us secure the Parish Share AND keep both churches open by covering maintenance costs as well as heating and lighting bills.
Giving £70 would allow us to pay our Parish Share, keep both churches operating, AND support those whose contribution to the parish of JC Lytham is their full time occupation.
Giving more allows us to do all those things, AND the things we really want to do: branching out to support our Lytham community and the wider world.
We know this is a big ask, which is why any gift you can give will help.
The more you give every month, the more we can grow through the seasons.

How You Can Give Today
It is really easy to support JC Lytham online in just a few clicks.
Step One
Go to the Parish Giving Scheme website by following this link .
You can choose whether to give a one-off gift or set up a regular contribution using either of the buttons to the left or the bottom of the page.

Step Two
Once you have chosen regular giving or a one-off gift, you will be taken to a new page.
Make sure to double check you are on the correct Parish Giving page. It should be for ‘The Parish of J C Lytham’ with the PGS Parish Code: 030603196

Setting Up Regular Giving
Step Three – Regular Giving
If you choose ‘Regular Giving’ you will be asked to fill out your details to register with the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).
If you already have an account with the PGS, you can also choose to log in here.

Step Four – Regular Giving
You will next be asked to decide the amount of your gift, the frequency, and provide bank details for a direct debit.

Step Five – Regular Giving
You will be asked your preferences for things such as increasing your gift in line with inflation, Gift Aid, and whether you wish your gift to be anonymous.

Step Six – Regular Giving
You should be given a gift summary. Check that everything is correct. You can cancel and start again if there is something amiss.
Giving a One-Off Gift
Step Three – One-Off Gift
If you choose ‘One-Off Gift’ you will be asked to enter the value of your gift. This is in the format of 10.00 – don’t forget the decimal point!
You can then choose whether to continue as a guest (you can create a PGS account later) or to log in to a PGS account.
If you continue as a guest, go to the next step.
If you log in to a PGS account, skip to step five.

Step Four – One-Off Gift
After you’ve selected an amount and continued as a guest, you’ll be asked to input your details.
You’ll then be asked your preferences for things such as Gift Aid and whether you wish your gift to be anonymous.

Step Five – One-Off Gift
You will be given a gift summary. Check that everything is correct. You can cancel and start again if there is something amiss.
When you are ready, click ‘Confirm and Continue’.

Step Six- One-Off Gift
Parish Giving payment is managed through Stripe, an internationally trusted system used by millions of businesses worldwide.
You can choose to pay through a system like Apple or Google Pay, or you can pay with a debit or credit card.

Step Seven
If all has gone well, you should see a Success screen.
We are so grateful for any support you can provide.
You may also take this opportunity to make a PGS account if you do not have one already.

Extra Help Using the Parish Giving Scheme
If you are uncomfortable using this online system, or just need a little extra help, then please do not hesitate to ask.
You can also visit us at St John the Divine on a Saturday Morning between 10am and 12pm, or any of our regular coffee mornings at either church, where we will be happy to help.
Other Methods of Giving
We understand that not everyone is comfortable with paying for things online. There are forms available at the back of both of our churches for you to contribute to the Parish Giving Scheme without the need for any online payment.
There is also various other forms of supporting us, including regular collections at services, the card machine at the back of St Cuthberts church, and our regular coffee mornings and fundraising events.
Have you considered leaving a charitable donation in your will? For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God.
If you choose to leave a gift to JC Lytham in your will, there is a service in place to write your will for free.
For more information, you can see the Church of England website here .